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OnE_BuC_FaN Registered User
Joined: 25 Jan 2002 Location: Tampa Posts: 96
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 7:21 pm Post subject: Paying for the Ville? |
Man that post was so long so quick I just wanted u to see my post. Why don'y u do a poll of how many Villians have bought shirts, hats, or mouse pads? They are very cheap and would help support the ville. I ask this becuse as you all no I live in Tampa, and we have a Parade season like mardigraws here called gasparilla. I strated a crew 4 years ago and it is still going strong. The one thing that I learned from it is that when it comes time for people to pay their dues they realy do not want to part with there money. (spelling sucks) . I love this place! I have been asking my wife and famliy members for shirts and stuff from here for holidays! Just to help support this great place! If you want to support the ville then hit the store! BRN did a contest not that long ago. I will do the same just to support this server. Is the store not supporting the ville? Will contest's continue to help? $10 does not seem that much right now but every month that adds up. $120 a year! Cant we do like a once a year payment for membership? At a cost of say $60? This is how a club is set up is it not? I know that it is open enrolment right now but if the server is full of admin slots then no will get on? I do not think that $10 a mounth will lead to more servers. That would mean more admin work. That can get real hairy! I noticed in the in the post that somone asked or mentioned about leasing a server. They run about $50 a mounth from gibbon games. Let me tell you that it is not the ville!!!!!!!!! This place is the best around. I think trying to support the ville is a great idea. I would also like to pioint out that there has been sevral gamming componies that have gone bellly up trying to do this same thing. Paying a payment each month to help keep servers going. They did not stay around that long. AS for the banner adds I do not mind them that much. I think this is the worng path to go down. The only thing is I do not have a beter idea. I also would like to see the VIlle get back on a better server. BRN PM me and let me know how much it was for your contest. I will do the same thing. The only thing is I need a target becuase I am not able to play all the time. Also what do you need to let Rob know for kepping track of the frags.
I love this server!!!!!! And I know my spelling and grammer sucks!!!!
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Kjeldorian Royal Guard 42 Registered User

Joined: 30 Nov 2001 Location: Dripping Springs, TX Posts: 5563
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 7:30 pm Post subject: |
I am beginning to think that half the people posting about this never bothered to read Ktulu's entire post. It is not mandatory that you pay any money to play here. This may not even happen to begin with. It is OPTIONAL. People who help out TheVille buy paying a set fee will get certain perks. That is all. If you do not pay, nothing changes for you. No TheVille store does not even come close to supporting this place. There is just no way that it could unless Rob was selling nude Britney Spears pictures!
Calm down all of you hosers and take the time to read what Ktulu posted. Every word of it.
Sorry, didn't mean to rant. But jeez.  _________________ Recipient of POTM award
Creator of Warz/Ville Golf Classic
<TVB> Member/Event Coordinator/Council - Retired
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Ktulu Registered User

Joined: 26 Sep 2001 Location: Florida Posts: 1663
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 7:53 pm Post subject: |
Thanks for saying that KRG.... you summed it up well.
One_Buc where you afraid your point would not be heard so you started a new thread?
I'm not flamming you dude but if you going to make such a bold statement you should have at least read and understood what was being said.
There is one big difference here.... those other gaming sights that failed trying to do this were driven by profit. We are not looking to profit here just provide more for everybody.
I could go on but I'll keep it in the original thread  _________________
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OnE_BuC_FaN Registered User
Joined: 25 Jan 2002 Location: Tampa Posts: 96
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 9:00 pm Post subject: PPleae read |
Yes I was afraid it would not get read. The thing was so long. I no that he was saying that if you support you get perks. My point is: If you start to pay the server will fill up. It is hard enough now to get on 3! That is what I am talking about. If you would like I will answear all questions posted there. I would pay the 10 bucks, but I do not think that it would help to cover the cost if the store does not. Also I read it very well and also read that he was intrested in hearing what people had to say. I also read that this could lead to more servers. Again that means more admin work. Also more mony to support the hardware and the pipe. I have priced private lines I do have a clue how much they cost. I also stated that I belive that this is the wrong path, but I do not know which is the right one. I offerd a few sugetions. I also am willing to donate a few dollers to the ville.
It is human nature to want to give, but when it comes time to put up the cash most people will not do it. I see this all day long. There are the few like BRN and Hoax that will just give out of kindness, but not most. I would hate to see somthing like this happen and not turn out like everyone is thinking then lose the ville. Further more I would not buy naked pics of Spears when they are free!
Buc |
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hoaxie Registered User

Joined: 16 Dec 2001 Location: Florida Posts: 4471
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 9:03 pm Post subject: |
Did you miss the part about getting other servers? And really... there are 4 Ville servers now. So 3 is full... go to one of the others.
Just give me back my NEO! (Sorry, just had to throw that in!).  _________________
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PondScum007 Registered User

Joined: 20 Dec 2001 Location: `°•-middle of new jersey Posts: 1792
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 9:11 pm Post subject: |
buc why would everyone suddenly start playing 24/7 and do nothing but hog slots...becasue they pay for it? i hardly think so....its jsut anohter way to support TV for the time you do spend playing here already...sure some people might be there a little bit more often if they are gauranteed a spot, but i really doubt it would be packed for hours at a time _________________
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OnE_BuC_FaN Registered User
Joined: 25 Jan 2002 Location: Tampa Posts: 96
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 9:17 pm Post subject: Yea |
I know. U guys (and Girls) r right about a lot of this. I just would hate to see this pay thing get out of control and lose the ville. I Have been talking to my boss at work about putting a server on our network with its own T1. The best he can do is share it with our web server and he is not to keen on that idea right now. I also so posted this before. That is when the extra admin work became a question. I think the more servers the better. I want the Ville to grow bigger. I just would hate to see it go away. It has already been moved to slower server. Anyway thanks for respondong to my posts.
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Kjeldorian Royal Guard 42 Registered User

Joined: 30 Nov 2001 Location: Dripping Springs, TX Posts: 5563
Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2002 9:38 pm Post subject: |
One Buc,
I understand you are just trying to help in your own way. I hope you don't feel like we are jumping all over you. We aren't. TheVille store can't support TheVille because not nearly enough merchandise is being purchased. It's more of a novelty thing than a source of income. Villuns donating money for the sake of earning a free slot or just to be generous is fantastic for TheVille. Slots will not be as abundant as you think either. They will most likely be given to people who contribute a substantial amount to TheVille. thus, you would prolly never even notice a change. I guess my point is, support your admins and anything they do. They have been working here for free since day one. They will continue to work for free with or without donations. _________________ Recipient of POTM award
Creator of Warz/Ville Golf Classic
<TVB> Member/Event Coordinator/Council - Retired
=US-V= Member/Event Coordinator - Retired
<eVa> Founding Father/Leadership/Webmaster - Retired
Ville Admin - Retired
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OnE_BuC_FaN Registered User
Joined: 25 Jan 2002 Location: Tampa Posts: 96
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 6:44 am Post subject: Thanks |
As for:
I hope you don't feel like we are jumping all over you. We aren't.
No way I don't think that at all. I am however concernd. When I see a post like this I think that the Ville is in trouble. I have been here only a few mounths but it is like my seconed home now. I think that the poeple and the converations that go on here is what makes this place so great! Not only that everyone is so willing to help. If I have a question about somthing I ask and I get a great response. The villians are great folks!!!! Buc |
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Potato-VS- Registered User
Joined: 16 Jul 2002 Location: Ontario Canada Posts: 1562
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 7:32 am Post subject: |
I really don't get what the problem is. When was originally started Rob knew it would cost money to pay for the website, the servers etc. So did the kind people who gave their computers to theville for a server. IT COSTS MONEY TO HAVE THESE THINGS. People knew this, so they knew what they were getting into. If you don't want to pay then why even start in the first place? Im sure that the server hosts would have checked to see if they could afford having a server. If they didn't then they have nothing to complain about..
These things cost money. I know this. [RS] doesn't even have a server or a .com etc BECAUSE it WILL cost money. We will get one but only when Im sure I can afford it. I have thought about having people pay $10/month for extra features but I thought that it wouldn't be right. I knew it WOULD cost money to start a clan. Everyone knows things cost money. Some more than others. I like how we don't HAVE to pay. But fan raised a good point. What about the store? Where is the money for that going? If profits from's store is being spent on things OTHER than theville that isn't right.
Over all I think that everyone knew what they were getting into in the start. I always ask my self "can I afford this at this time?" If not, then WHEN is the real question.
[RS]Potato-VS- |
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Hamese Server Admin

Joined: 04 Sep 2001 Location: Houston, TX Guild: US-V Posts: 1404
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 8:51 am Post subject: |
I think you have missed the point. Rob suppplied an environment for a long time that you were able to play on for free. It has grown to an extreme size, and Rob would still like to have the FREE gaming environment. To keep it free though, he would accept donations to enhance the gaming experiance and keep it running. A donation for willing people, and an account fee are differnet.
What Rob started with he could afford and was willing to settle with. What he is ending up with is something bigger. Don't act like Rob is trying to build something he cannot afford. He is trying to keep up with something he did not expect. And he is trying to do it all for US. _________________
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(+)ASSASSIN(+) Registered User

Joined: 08 Jan 2002 Location: Chicago,IL Posts: 1176
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 2:22 pm Post subject: |
[RS]Potato-VS- wrote: | What about the store? Where is the money for that going? If profits from's store is being spent on things OTHER than theville that isn't right.
[RS]Potato-VS- |
I think roof said it best on page 4 of the original thread
ROOFCUTTER wrote: | The difference between the Ville store and direct deposit is the middle man.
Rob does not produce the cups and hats and stuff. A 3rd party gets the lion share to cover that expense. We are essentialy buying them a boat or whatever. It is nice to get custom stuff for our passion but really how many cups and stuff can you actually buy.
_________________ Killing is my bidness ladies and BIDNESS IS GOOD!!!! |
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Sully Server Admin

Joined: 04 Sep 2001 Location: St. Louis MO <eVa>'s Mascot Posts: 1772
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 2:47 pm Post subject: |
Please keep in mind that when Rob kicked this site off, he did it with stuff he had access to at his place of business. It was much smaller then, and only active in the evening (and weekends) when Clarkegraphics was closed for the day. He didn't buy a whole server (pardon the probable innaccuracy of tech terms, I ain't the man), instead he used one that he had access to.
Rob no longer has access to that server, so the 'Ville had to evolve. Other people in this excellent community contributed their stuff so that the 'Ville could live on. Unfortunately, this has probably become a burden on those people, thus our fine township is in jeopardy. Hence the rallying cry of,"Save the 'Ville, give generously". That's where we are right now. Ktulu has stepped up and is trying to find a solution to a problem most of us aren't even aware of.
I don't doubt that there is a very real possibility that in an answer isn't found, we'll have to find a different place to play. I don't like to contemplate that alternative, so I for one am very glad that someone has stepped up to the plate and is trying to save The 'Ville.
I think that paraphrasing JFK is not out of line here.
"Ask not what The 'Ville can do for you,
instead ask what you can do for The 'Ville."
I thank you. _________________
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Ktulu Registered User

Joined: 26 Sep 2001 Location: Florida Posts: 1663
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 3:20 pm Post subject: |
Quote: | quote from Potatoe:
What about the store? Where is the money for that going? If profits from's store is being spent on things OTHER than theville that isn't right. |
That statement just makes me flat out angry. Who are you to decide and judge how that money is spent. Get this through your Potatoe head "Rob Is The Ville" _________________
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Secret Agent Man Registered User
Joined: 21 Oct 2001 Location: In a van down by the river Posts: 739
Posted: Wed Jul 31, 2002 3:29 pm Post subject: |
????????? heh........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  |
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