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Who actually likes dod_switch?
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 8:48 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Er, I don't see why my not liking any certain map makes me pathetic. I don't like it because I find that it's a campout/stalemate/spam nade volley/snipefest. I simply find it pretty a-holish to call people pathetic whiners simply because they're don't like the maps you like.

It's been out about six months now as well, it's been given a chance. In my opinion, it needs some changes.
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Jfet Zener
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 26, 2004 10:27 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

oh yeah. im not a fan of this map.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:17 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

First off Ten Yard, I never called you[I dont even know if you were on the server much less saying anything] or anyone else pathetic...I simply called the whole situation pathetic...if it had been 10-15 minutes into the map then I wouldn't have said a thing, but I joined the server when the top scorer has 3 kills, I spawned as axis and the map changed before I even got to the axis second flag. All I was really getting at is its gets old seeing the same 4 maps all the time. I completely see the reasons why some may not like the map...many of which are the reasons you stated. Yet this brings me to another map that always bothers me, anzio. Its a cool map no doubt, but 9 times out of 10 if im on there the score is like 400 to 50. One of the teams constantly wins over and over again...players on the losing team leave the server and the others continue on...but the map doesnt change. The score continues to grow and the severely losing team goes to another server.

If you wanna think of me as an ahole, so be it. to each thier own. I had an opinion on the matter and I said it like I saw it. Oh, and I dont expect people to like the maps I like, nor did I ever call anyone anything because of one they liked. If I dont like the map being played I spec or leave. I was simply stating a scenario I thought others might find interesting.

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 12:41 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Erm, okay. I see, I just really wasn't sure who (if anyone) you were directing that toward. You can see where I got confused. #Fade in

I know exactly what you're talking about with Anzio though. One single player can make an enormous impact on that map, if he leaves - his team can go to hell in a hurry. It used to be by far my most favorite map because I'd average about 5-10 shovel/knife kills, my best K : D out of all the maps while usually taking top spot in caps. Now it's just... blah. There are other maps that I'm suddenly enjoying now. Yesterday I enjoyed playing Zalec as "The Meat" Allies for the first time ever. I wasn't even doing well, my whole team wasn't doing well but I found it fun regardless. Merderet is slowly evolving into one of my favorite maps, I'm liking Kraftstoff more and more as I play it, Escape owns my face every single time I play it and Flugplatz simply has to be my favorite map right now (mostly because I FG42 whore...).

1.2 is bringing... um, Northbound, (a polished version of) Saints, and the names of the others have slipped my mind for the time being, there's at least two to four others. I'm looking forward to the new rotations, these 1.1 maps will be the new Kalts, Avas and Anzios while having new maps to learn will be thrown into the mix. It's just going to work out that way from what I can gather, I'm quite looking forward to this... this Day of Defeat 1.2 beta Half-Life modification. Need tired... sleepz0r...
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Mostly Harmless :/
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:32 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I find I'll enjoy any map that isn't in heavey rotation simply because I'm tired of playing the same few maps over and over. One of the reasons I can't wait for 1.2 is because it will introduce some new maps (yay!) and tweak some of the older ones in a hopefully benificial manner.
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