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"OMG teams WTF!"
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My Personal Insanity
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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 1:52 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't think pub games get really uneven scores from lack of
skill as often as they do lack of teamwork. I shouldn't have to
sit around for minutes, which is forever in game time, waiting
for someone to come out of the sniper camping postition to help
take a team capture point. (Note that it's also sad that opposing teams
have allowed me to be at flags for long times in game...)

I switch when I notice uneven numbers. Even when it causes silly things
like having to immediately switch back because someone else just

I don't generally bother to switch to try to even 'skill level' except in
very small games. The most 'skilled' player in the world is still just a
deathmatcher if he/she won't cap.
aaa, oshiete sensei-san...
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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:09 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Stevo wrote:
Just use the auto join button.

exactly i auto join everytime i connect to the server
I am TheCheat
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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 2:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

As anyone knows that has played with me I am not a camper no matter what class I am. I will hold a position for a min or 2 at the most and then I am off and running. I was on Donner a couple days ago got lucky and took out most of there team on a rambo run as most of my team was watching the center. Well the moral of the story I capped there last 2 flags we had atleast 5 + people in the middle and not 1 of them tried to cap the tank. As Shovel said above I usually am on the losing team. My K/D ratio is under 1.0 yeah me ...lol. The thing is if you have 2-3 guy's rushing together all the time you can move up pretty fast, but if you are laying on your belly 90% of the time you are going to get to far. There should be a even kiel a few guy's for cover fire and a few rushing. As for team staking I have seen it skill wise. I have been on maps that were total blowouts and the map changes and they all join the same team again which after 2-3 maps will empty the server seen it done many of times and I know most of you have. If you say you haven't then you are not paying attention to what is going on. But hey it all comes down to K/d ratio and stats most of the time. I am probally one of the worst players on the servers do to my rambo style of play 0.77 K/D ratio, but hey I seem to stay in the top 10 in psychostats (which means nothing to me).
The whole thing about online gaming is to have fun with your friends and meet new people . I don't care if I'm on the losing team or winning team as long as I'm having fun. The thing that pisses me off is when you are on the losing team and everyone on the other team is saying you guy's suck and such. Well if you are that good then switch to the losing team and show me how it is done. Let me see you change the course of the game. Most of the time the ones that are saying that you guy's suck are the ones that are the worst players on the other team but because they have 3-4 leet players on there team everyone on the other team sucks. This is not pointed at anyone just my viewing on the matter. When it becomes 200-16 or something that is really lop sided switch teams and help out the underdog.
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Shovel me Silly
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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:36 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't like it when people complain about teams when its like 13 on 11 and someone had just left. And the majority of the time when its even numbers, then someone switches to the winning side, its usually a person who is like 2 and 11 anyway. I don't mind seeing teams beat up on other teams, either if I'm getting the beating or giving it. People are supposed to win and lose in a game. It would be sad to see a little league game of baseball where one team is winning by a lot, so they make them switch teams or sit a person out to balance the skill. I've never really been apart of a game where all the good people deliberately go on to one team.

Once and awhile you should tell people to switch, but you should wait a good minute or two before you tell anyone to.

I don't know why anyone would wait in spectator mode to see which team does better. Yesterday on Anzio the Axis team was 15-2 and capped the maqp right away. It ended up being a pretty even game where the allies were only down by 50 - 60 points for the rest of the time until i left. And the kill count was much closer too.
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PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2004 5:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok, my definition of team stacking was players from the same clan always playing together.

Now, as for the phenomena of players playing together again in the next map, it could be it happened because they wanted to play again with the same weapon, not necessarily with the same players.

I've seen teams getting trampled countless times, particularly on Anzio, then after 15 minutes, players join the server and the power struggle switch side (or I switch side and the other team start winning.... every team with me is stacked )

I *do* see people switching sides, and very often, when the score is 1000000 to 1. So for me, it is not that bad on the server.
PJ --- ancient IDIOT with a rusty CROWBAR....
but still SWINGING!

Rock2..... JUST SAY NO!!!!!
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